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Themen in den Ausgaben

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Themen | 002/2024 (27.01.2024)
  • Leading in a World Where AI Wields Power of Its Own
    New systems can learn autonomously and make complex judgments. Leaders need to understand these “autosapient” agents and how to work with them.
  • Leading in the Flow of Work
    Leadership development programs traditionally provide extensive training in how to influence and coach people, give feedback, build trust, and more. A new approach, which draws on faculties everyone already possesses, can greatly enhance those efforts. The leadership-in-flow model focuses on activating your inner core—your best self—by tapping into five energies: purpose, wisdom, growth, love, and self-realization.
Themen | 004/2024 (30.03.2024)
  • How Companies Should Weigh In on a Controversy
    On April 1, 2023, just as the March Madness college basketball tournament was getting underway, the transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney uploaded a sponsored post to Instagram to promote Bud Light. The backlash was immediate and cut deep. The beer brand was condemned by social conservatives across the United States, who launched a boycott.
  • Don’t Let Gen AI Limit Your Team’s Creativity
    No one doubts ChatGPT’s ability to generate lots of ideas. But are those ideas any good? In a recent real-world experiment, teams engaged in a creative problem-solving task saw modest gains from AI assistance for the most part—and some underperformed.
Themen | 006/2024 (11.05.2024)
  • A Better Approach to Mergers and Acquisitions
    Far more mergers succeed today than in the past. Here’s how to post a win.
  • Make Decisions with a VC Mindset
    The key is to embrace risk, disagreement, and agility.
  • The Art of Asking Smarter Questions
    These five techniques can drive great strategic decision-making.
Themen | 008/2024 (27.07.2024)
  • The Middle Path to Innovation
    Forget disruption and incrementalism. Here’s how to develop high-growth products in slow-growth companies.
  • Why Entrepreneurs Should Think Like Scientists
    Founders of start-ups who question and test their theories are more successful than their overly confident peers.
  • Toward Healthier B2B Relationships
    A new way to reduce customer churn and even expand the connection
  • Power, Influence, and CEO Succession
    How the board, the incumbent, and the new leader can ensure a successful transfer of authority
  • The Vital Role of the Outgoing CEO
    Everybody focuses on what the new boss needs to do. But what the departing one does can make all the difference.
Themen | 010/2024 (28.09.2024)
  • The Art of Leading Teammates
    When our society talks about leaders, we focus on formal roles, such as the CEO. This view undervalues the role of informal leaders—team members who influence outcomes by the tone they set, how they conduct themselves, and how they interact with their peers. Their job title doesn’t include the word “manager,” but they play an outsize role in how teams perform.
    Enterprises that own multiple businesses often have a flawed approach to strategy: They focus too much on the makeup of their portfolios and too little on enhancing the businesses in them.
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Porträt von Harvard Business Review

Am Puls der Ökonomie – innovative Unternehmenskonzepte erkennen, alles über Trends im Management erfahren. Die Harvard Business Review ist die renommierteste Fachzeitschrift für Managementthemen und das bereits seit 1922.

Welche Inhalte bietet die Harvard Business Review?

Harvard Business Review ist ein, wenn nicht das Ratgeber- und Informationsmagazin zu Wirtschafts- und Managementthemen. Führung, Organisation, Strategie, Planung die Themen im Magazin sind vielfältig und werden mit spannenden Reportagen vornehmlich Führungskräften nahegebracht. Zum Konzept der Zeitschrift gehört es auch, sich nicht an fiktiven Szenarien zu orientieren, Fallbeispiele und stichhaltige Analysen geben fundierte Orientierungshilfen und schaffen einen teils neuen Blick auf Themen wie Kommunikation, Marketing, der eigenen Produktivität im Beruf. Ebenso steht das Magazin mit seiner Berichterstattung für neuen Input zu effektiven Karriereplanung. Selbstmanagement und persönliche Weiterentwicklung als Führungskraft sind neben den großen Managementthemen die Schwerpunkte im Magazin.
Reportagen über innovative Ansätze zur Unternehmensführung, die Präsentation von neuen Trends im Management und die auch teilweise kritische Auseinandersetzung mit zukunftsweisenden Unternehmenskonzepten und deren Anwendbarkeit in der Praxis sind Herausforderungen, der sich die Harvard Business Review stellt. Mit den Themen auseinandergesetzt wird zumeist aus US-amerikanischer Sicht, handelt es sich doch bei dem Magazin um die US-Originalausgabe.

Wer sollte die Harvard Business Review lesen?

Die Harvard Business Review richtet sich an Führungskräfte, die sich selbst und ihre Unternehmen effektiver führen wollen. Das Magazin ist besonders für die qualifizierte und interessierte junge Wirtschaftselite interessant, die top-informiert nicht nur im deutschsprachigen Raum, sondern Management-Know-how aus Übersee zur Erweiterung des eigenen Backgrounds suchen.

Das Besondere an der Harvard Business Review

Ein echtes Schwergewicht unter den Managementmagazinen – die Harvard Business Review ist das Magazin für Führungskräfte. Hier kommen die profiliertesten Managementvordenker zu Wort und liefern umfassende Einblicke und Best Practices auf verständliche, lehrreiche und ebenso leicht anwendbare Art und Weise.

  • erscheint mit 6 Ausgaben im Jahr, alle zwei Monate
  • 340.000 verkaufte Exemplare (Alliance for Audited Media/Juni 2019)
  • Die großen Managementthemen in einem Magazin vereint.

Der Verlag hinter der Harvard Business Review

Was haben Barak Obama, Bill Gates und Mark Zuckerberg gemeinsam? Sie genossen alle ihr Studium an der renommierten Harvard Universität, der zu 100% der Harvard Business Publishing, der Verlag hinter der Harvard Business Review, gehört. 1994 als nicht-gewinnorientierte Organisation gegründet, zählt er mit seinen 12 international lizenzierten Ausgaben u. a. der deutschsprachigen Ausgabe Harvard Business Manager, Büchern sowie vielfältigen digitalen Inhalten zu den Top-Medienhäusern in puncto Wirtschaftsmagazinen.
450 Mitarbeiter, hauptsächlich in Boston aber auch in Büros in New York City, India und England schlagen eine Brücke zwischen wirtschaftswissenschaftlichem Ansatz und Unternehmenskultur. Die Website www.hbr.org gibt den Blick frei auf die spannenden Analysen des Verlags.

Alternativen zur Harvard Business Review

Die Harvard Business Review ist der Klassiker unter den Magazinen für Führungskräfte und entsprechend das Aushängeschild in der Kategorie der Management Zeitschriften. Die Rubrik ist reich an Alternativen und bietet neben internationalen Titel auch viele auf den deutschsprachigen Raum zugeschnittene Angebote. Profitieren Sie vom Magazin Harvard Business Manager, die deutschsprachige Ausgabe des Klassikers. Das Manager Magazin oder Capital sind ebenfalls sehr informative Wirtschaftsmagazine, die sich am Puls der Ökonomie bewegen. Mit Textilwirtschaft oder Hotelier finden sich in der Kategorie auch Zeitschriften, die spezielle Wirtschaftszweige fokussieren.

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In der aktuellen Ausgabe von Harvard Business Review

  • When It Comes to Influencers, Smaller Can Be Better
    Companies that rely on celebrities with lots of followers are missing out.
  • Professor Zhang, DEFEND YOUR RESEARCH
    MIT Sloan School of Management’s Juanjuan Zhang and three coresearchers—Shiyang Gong (Beijing Normal University), Qian Li (Beijing Foreign Studies University), and Song Su (Beijing Normal University)—explored the relationship between genetics and sales performance. They studied 117 salespeople at an Asian telemarketing company over the course of 13 months. They cross-referenced employee DNA with performance metrics, such as revenue produced, the ability to identify selling opportunities, and effort. The conclusion: There Really Is a “Sales Gene”
  • New Rules for Teamwork
    Collaboration is more complex than ever—and more difficult to get right. Here’s how organizations can build better teams.
  • Teamwork at the Top
    Teamwork is difficult at any level, but for top teams, the challenges expand exponentially. They are responsible for addressing their organization’s weightiest and most complex problems, so their struggles are almost existential.
  • The Art of Leading Teammates
    When our society talks about leaders, we focus on formal roles, such as the CEO. This view undervalues the role of informal leaders—team members who influence outcomes by the tone they set, how they conduct themselves, and how they interact with their peers. Their job title doesn’t include the word “manager,” but they play an outsize role in how teams perform.
  • AI Won’t Give You a New Sustainable Advantage
    But using it may amplify the ones you already have.
  • The Legacy Company’s Guide to Innovation
    How to collaborate well and scale up fast
  • Moving Beyond ESG
    The framework has its detractors. Here’s a new playbook for responsible business.
  • How AI Can Power Brand Management
    It can automate creative tasks and improve the customer experience.
    Safety is regarded as an indispensable right for customers and employees. Government agencies exist to enforce standards, and firms spend millions testing their products and creating safe workplace environments. And yet products are frequently recalled, and workplace accidents continue to happen. Why aren’t companies doing better on safety?
  • Boards Need a New Approach to Technology
    By worrying primarily about security and IT, they’re missing out on big opportunities across the sciences.
    Enterprises that own multiple businesses often have a flawed approach to strategy: They focus too much on the makeup of their portfolios and too little on enhancing the businesses in them.
  • Embracing Gen AI at Work
    The skills you need to succeed in the era of large language models
  • Will Psychedelics Propel Your Career?
    With executive experimentation on the rise, experts weigh in.
  • Build Better Teams
    From championship NFL teams to the boardrooms of top corporations, effective teamwork is a crucial ingredient in success—but it’s extremely challenging to achieve. Here’s how to get the most from your teams. | page 43
  • Connie Chung
    As the youngest of five sisters in a Chinese family—the only one born in the United States—Chung was a soft-spoken child who eventually found her voice in student government and then as one of the first prominent nonwhite female TV news reporters. Her career high came in 1993, when she was made a coanchor of the CBS Evening News, but she held the seat for only two years. She took time off to be a mom, hosted a few other programs, and later settled into retirement. Her memoir, Connie, is out now.