Time Special Edition Queen Elizabeth II Sonderheft

Ausgabe 001/2022


Porträt von Time Special Edition Queen Elizabeth II

Queen Elizabeth II - The world's longest-serving Monarch

  • Who is next in line: Find out who eligible for the throne
  • Princess to Queen: How Elizabeth became Queen
  • The love of her life: The story of Elizabeth's husband, Prince Philip
  • Her love of animals: Explore the soft spot for non-human subjects

Time Special Edition Queen Elizabeth II Sonderheft

Wohin soll geliefert werden?
24,90 CHF
Ausgabe 001/2022


Porträt von Time Special Edition Queen Elizabeth II

Queen Elizabeth II - The world's longest-serving Monarch

  • Who is next in line: Find out who eligible for the throne
  • Princess to Queen: How Elizabeth became Queen
  • The love of her life: The story of Elizabeth's husband, Prince Philip
  • Her love of animals: Explore the soft spot for non-human subjects

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